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Vision, rigor, competence, humanism and innovation.
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Program: IPSE

Since 2008 we have been working to improve our Programs.

We always evaluate our work.

We listen to our customers.

We ask our partners for advice.

This Program is not a traditional experience.

Our concern has been, since the beginning, to offer the possibility, to all customers in the world, of being able to know the IPSE method, as well as our vision on the main challenges of people and Organizations.

This Program intends to respond to professionals who seek us out, because they cannot find this area of ​​work in their region/country. In addition, we know that one of the main challenges today is time management and work/life balance. Therefore, our Program is in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

IPSE appears on the waves of our history...

We took advantage of the experience and lessons learned during these 14 years, as well as the new opportunities that technologies are giving us every day. Academic journals do not stop publishing and we want to keep up. Focused on the quality of our Program, we wanted to go one step further and use a new distance learning platform, as well as other tools and strategies.

IPSE is composed of 3 work levels.

The main objective is to help our clients to use the Philosophical Consulting methodology in their activity, whether in an individual context or in a professional/organizational context.

One of the strong characteristics of the Program is that it is an individual process. And that allows anyone to register on any day of the year. The Program has a common structure, but is often adapted to the client's specific curriculum.

As for the duration of each level, we give as a reference an average time, calculated on the basis of X hours of work per week. However, each client will have their own specific pace and availability, so it is possible to finish sooner or later.

The customer may register, regardless of the country of origin/residence.

IPSE is carried out on an online platform, where pedagogical resources, exercises and synchronous sessions are housed.


The synchronous sessions with the expert consultant aim to monitor the client's development in the process, as well as help clarify some specific issues. In one of the sessions, an intermediate evaluation will be carried out.

At levels 2 and 3, there will be live conferences/debates, held by two invited experts, in which the client will have the opportunity to delve into some themes/questions and, at the end, ask some questions.

The Program is defined so that the client completes the 3 levels in a row. However, it is possible that a client wants to perform only level 1.

To apply for the Program, you must send an email to:

In this email, you must submit your application, sending your resume, as well as a small letter of motivation. At the end, you must request a registration form.


If the candidate has any economic difficulties, he/she can apply for our Social Responsibility Plan. (Ask us for more information by email)

After approval of your application, you will receive an email with the registration form and payment information (bank transfer, Paypal, Western Union, MBWAY, etc.). Subsequently, the client must send his/her completed registration form by email, with the proof of payment.

From there, we will start your Program, sending you the support manual, as well as the credentials to access the online platform.


Each registration is valid for 1 year. It is possible to request 1 revalidation for a special value of 50%.



Level 1

It is the gateway to the Program.

The main objective is to introduce the client to the area of ​​Philosophical Consultancy, providing various pedagogical resources on the main issues. Each module is carried out independently and sequentially. At the end of each module there is an assessment process. We will work on the main concepts: for example, what is the difference between practical philosophy, applied philosophy and philosophical counseling? Should we say client, consultant or person? Then we will meet some of the main figures in history, such as Gerd Achenbach, Lou Marinoff, Ran Lahav, Peter Raabe, José Barrientos, Jorge Humberto Dias, etc. It will also be important to know some of the differences between Philosophical Counseling and other areas, such as Coaching, Psychology, etc. Finally, we'll delve into methods and query cases.

In the interaction with the client, a diagnosis of professional needs and interests will be carried out, with the aim of preparing a conference/debate with an invited expert. In one of the synchronous sessions, an intermediate evaluation will be carried out.

Reference duration: 1 semester.


Level 2


Now that the client has mastered the main theoretical questions of philosophical consulting, he/she is prepared to carry out practical exercises, whose objective is to train for the simulations that we will do at the end of this level. We will start with simpler exercises, and progress to more complex exercises, until we get closer to the real context.

In addition, another main objective is to prepare the client for his/her autonomy. For example, we will look at issues such as personal branding, ethics and marketing. We will run an advertising campaign.

We will have a conference/debate with a guest expert.


Reference duration: 1 semester.


Level 3


After a pre-season of rigorous training, the client is ready for the final stage, which will take place before the 1st game of the championship.

We'll start with legal, tax and privacy issues.

We will have a conference/debate with a guest expert.

Afterwards, we will start the practices, where we will do some more challenging and ambitious simulations.

In the final stretch, the client will manage the process of some sessions in an approximate context to the real one.


Reference duration: 1 semester.

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